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Metras Insurance Agency

Serving the Pioneer Valley of Western Massachusetts Since 1985

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Welcome to Metras Insurance Agency.

Established in 1985, Metras Insurance Agency has been serving clients in the Pioneer Valley of Western Massachusetts for over thirty years. An experienced and knowledgeable staff is focused on providing an outstanding level of personalized service to every client, regardless of size. Although all agencies offer a wide variety of products and insurance markets to their customers, it is infrequent to find a personal contact and even rarer to find the level of dedicated one-on-one support which has become a Metras Insurance trademark. While other agencies have come and gone, Metras Insurance has remained independent and serves as a model of stability in an otherwise volatile market.

Metras Insurance is a full line insurance agency offering personal lines of coverage, as well as business insurance products to meet every need. An array of insurance carriers is represented, from strong regional carriers to renowned national companies. We invite you to contact us or visit our office so that we may assist you with any and all of your insurance needs.

Auto InsuranceClick here to request an automobile insurance quote.
Car Insurance Click here to request a homeowner’s insurance quote.

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  • Dedicated one-on-one support has become a Metras Insurance trademark. If you need to contact us, we would like to offer you as many choices as possible. To request specific information, please use the online contact form below, and we will respond to your inquiry as promptly as possible.

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